Макияж и апелляционный блог Понедельник Опрос, Vol. 550

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Отличный вопрос! Нет, в отличие от его имени, реальный опрос, как с небольшими кнопками клики. Это просто список из пяти гораздо более или менее случайных вопросов, которые я публиковал в этом блоге каждый утром понедельника за последние квадриллионные годы (с 2007 года). Я люблю читать ваши ответы, и это поможет мне получить свою неделю до хорошего начала. ?

1. matching holiday pajamas for the whole family: cute or cheesy?

CUUUUUTE — especially if your family takes a lot of pictures like mine does. Also, if you’re going to “go there,” go all the way, man! use PJs with the most obnoxious print you can find, but please — for the sake of the person in the family who has a bladder the size of a pea (ME) — don’t get onesies, because they are a PITA for the bladder-challenged.

2. how typically do you go braless out in public?

Не часто. Вообще. I have four words for you: hell TO THE NO. I don’t need those things flapping around and blowing in the wind as I’m reaching up to get a box of cat food (that is always out of reach) on the highest shelf. Plus, with my luck, the zombie invasion would probably start while I was out of the house, so I would be stuck in the apocalypse without a bra…which would be TERRIBLE.


3. What’s the best breakup song?

Seems like I’ve been married considering that the Mesozoic Era, but back in the day Jen and I would bump En Vogue’s give It Up, turn It loose during kid woes.

4. describe the most recent photo you took on your phone.

I would if I could… See the photo at the top of this post?

5. Best/worst Thanksgiving side dish?

Is there a such thing as a worst Thanksgiving side dish? I’ll pretty much eat everything with equal enthusiasm, but if I’m forced to choose, then I guess my choice for “best” would be mashed potatoes and gravy (teh carbs!), and my pick for “worst” would be the lame-o bags of generic store-bought salad.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

There’s always at least one at the table (why?) that nobody touches.

Is there a snack…

That takes you back to your childhood? For me, it’s dried mangoes, which is why I had to stop in the middle of a crowded Costco aisle to take a picture of the display at the top of this post.

When I was really little, the only time I ever got dried mangoes was when relatives brought them over from the Philippines, so I only got them once or twice a year, but now you can get them in bulk at Costco, which BLOWS MY MIND.

I actually didn’t get one of the bags from Costco because I currently do not need a enormous bulk-sized bag of dried mangoes in my life, LOL! They’re generally gigantic bags of irresistible fruity-goodness candy.

Ваш дружелюбный апелляционный призыв соседства,



Слияние время вопросов! Здесь они должны скопировать / вставлять с вашими ответами в комментарии. поговорим с вами в ближайшее время.

1. matching holiday pajamas for the whole family: cute or cheesy?
2. how typically do you go braless out in public?
3. What’s the best breakup song?
4. describe the most recent photo you took on your phone.
5. Best/worst Thanksgiving side dish?

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